Who We Are
We are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who want better libraries in Palo Alto. Libraries that match our superb schools, lovely parks, and high-quality services. Libraries that can serve our well-educated, diverse residents. Libraries that will provide learning for life.
Campaign Steering Committee
State Senator Joe Simitian, Honorary Co-Chair
Supervisor Liz Kniss, Honorary Co-Chair
Bern Beecham, Vice-Chair
Catherine Capriles
Alison Cormack, Chair
Sid Espinosa
Tommy Fehrenbach
Megan Swezey Fogarty
Carroll Harrington
Lenore Jones
Yoriko Kishimoto
Larry Klein
Paul A. Losch
John Melton, Treasurer
Kathy Miller
Mark Nadim
Lynne Russell
Jim Schmidt
Susie Thom
Lanie Wheeler
Caroline Willis
Yiaway Yeh
1,152 individuals & groups and counting! Join Us »
Community Groups and Organizations
Local PTAs & School Organizations
Community Members, Leaders, and Elected Officials
Assemblymember Ira Ruskin
Ruth Bergin & Daniel Aharon
Cynthia Ainsworth
Jocelyn Alexander
K. J. Alexander
Richard & Nancy Alexander
Mark Alguard
Ginny Ali
Ken & Sue Allen
Craig Allen
Betsy & Nat Allyn
Marsha Alper
Mohammed AlQuraishi
Jeanne Althouse
Gautam Srivastava & Neelam Amin
Althea Anderson
Carol Anderson
Kati Andreasson
Eric Antonow
Irene N. G. Araujo
Jane Ardley
Ed & Margaret Arnold
Mary Ashley
Anne Avis
Beth Axelrod
Carol & Ray Bacchetti
Jim Baer
Kitty Baggott
Ann Balin
Holly Baral
Lisa & Steve Barkin
Zelda & Clifford Barnett
Anne Barry
John Barton
Richard Baugh
John & Nancy Baum
Johanna Baumann
David Baumgarten
Betsy Bechtel
Carol Bechtold
Jamie Beckett
Bern Beecham
Joanna Behl
Elton & Rachel Bell
Norton Bell
Teresa Bell-Stephens
Mary Beltrami
Steve Bennet
Keith Bennett
Rhoda Bergen
Leslie Berlin
Mary Grace Bertsch
Annette Bettridge
Vinod Bhutani
Linda Bickham
Jill Bicknell
Lee Bieber
Janet Billups
Lu Bingham
T. Bjorulund
Brian Blond
Laura & Richard Bloomfield
Melissa Blum
Mia Salaverry & Andy Blumberg
Pat Blumenthal
Bonnie Blythe
Patty Boas
Susan Bobulsky
Mikaela Bock
Donna Bohling
Stacey Booth
Andrew Bosco
Ruth Bowers
Carol Malcolm & Richard Brand
Bill Brastow
Mary Brayton
Winslow Briggs
Patricia Briggs
Ralph & Betty Britton
Gary Britton
Justin Brock
Steve Brock
Gale Heringer- Brock
Anne Broderick
Jess & Melissa Kirven Brooks
Deborah Sobel & Jeffrey Brown
Barbara Menker Browne
Harry L. Browne
Beth Bunnenberg
Wileta & Jim Burch
Sarah Burgess
Alice Burich
Pat Burt
John Burt
Rosemary Busher
Errol Buxton
Owen Byrd
Julia & John Byun
Margie & Tim Cain
John Cala
Catherine Cameron
Sarah Cane
Catherine Capriles
Julie & Louis Cardillo
Peter Carey
Lee Carlson
Margaret Carroll
Lois Carroll
Lorrie Castellano
Melissa Baten Caswell
Ken Chan
Elissa Chandler
Christine Chang
Lorraine Chapparell
Rowland & Dawn Chase
Joan & Bill Chase
Larry Cheng
Jean Ann Chernikoff
Harriet Scott Chessman
Larry & Linda Chickering
Mike & Shirley Chin
Don Chin
Brian & Susan Chin
Katie Cho
Enoch Choi, M.D.
Ellen Christianse
Brian Chu
Carol Cipriano
Paul Cipriano
Meg Waite Clayton
Carol Cleary-Schultz
Thomas H. Clewe, M.D.
Betsy Clines
Andy & Liz Coe
Joan Cohen
Jean Colby
R. Bernard Coley
Tom & Marge Collins
James & Wendy Cook
Ken Cor
Shain Corey
Alison Cormack
Stan & Mary Cottrell
Peter Coughlan
Liz Cowie
Lina Crane
Janet & John Creelman
Anne Warner Cribbs
Truman Cross
Robyn Crumly
Les Cundall
Carolyn Curtis
Michael Heaney & Kirsten Daehler
Whitney Dafoe
David & Judy Daniels
Amy & Scott Darling
Pulak Das
W.T. Davids
Reily Davidson
Evie Davidson
Joel Davidson
Claudia Davis
Alan & Ann Davis
John & Patricia Parrish Davis
Kriss Deiglmeier
Ron Deius
Maria Dell
Winter Dellenbach
Dorothy Demange
Ray Dempsey
John Dempsey
Beryl & Tom Deremigio
Christina Detchemendy
Donna Dickman
Carolyn Digovich
Sippie Dykstra & Ramji Digumarthi
Tony & Jan DiJulio
Pamela Diken
Jerry Dischler
Carolyn & Mark Dobervich
Dave & Karen Dolkas
Hilary Donahue
Roongko Doong
Zelma Dorfman & Ron Dorfman, M.D.
Eric Dorsey
Jessie Dotson
Lynn & Joseph Drake
Thomas Drechsler
Peter Drekmeier
Julie Dubrouillet
Jeannie Duisenberg
Firoozeh Dumas
Meg Durbin
Rudolph & Betty Dyck
Dan Dykwel
Sunny Dykwel
Jonathan Edelman
Christine Egy Rose
Jerome Huck & Callie Elliston
Penny Ellson
Gretchen Emmons
Ruth Endsley
Charlene Eng
Charlotte Epstein
Anne Ercolani
Alyssa Erickson
Nalini & Austin Erlich
Sid Espinosa
Kirsten Essenmacher
Robert W. Evans
Claude Ezran
Kendra Fadil
Liz Falcone
Niloo Farhad
Jullie Williams & Dan Farley
Marilyn Farmer
Patrick Farris
Gary Fazzino
Tommy Fehrenbach
Kathryn Feinberg
M. Felsteiner
Nancy Ferguson
Jon Ferraiolo
Colleen Ferrell
Helene Fertig
Margaret & Michael Feuer
Margaret Ann Fidler
Len & Lucy Filppu
Adrian Fine
Stanley & Anita Finkel
Joan & Allan Fisch
Alice & Herb Fischgrund
Bob & Susie Fishman
Claire Fitzgerald
Megan Swezey Fogarty
Michael Fogarty
Michael & Nancy Fogel
Jeri Foley
Susan Cole & Mike Forster
Sanford Forte
Catherine Crystal Foster
Jon Foster
Susan Cole & Mike Foster
Mike & Cathie Foster
Anne & Buzz Frahn
Laura Frain
Bob Fraley
Betsy Franco
Pat Frankenfield
Michael Fredrickson
Linda Fresco
Todd Frey
Lisa Friedman
Evelyn Frykman
Freddy Gabus
Betsy Gamburd
Steve Gandolfo
Hayley Gans
Daniel & Catharine Garber
Audrey Garfield
Jessie Gasper
Nick & Arlene Gault
Joy Gee
R. B. Gelman
Marylyn Genovese
Romola & Mark Georgia
Betty Gerard
Brinda Govindan & Bhaskar Ghosh
Michele Gibson
Keith & Susan Gilbert
Michael & Myra Gilfex
Nitay Gill
Robert & Marilyn Gillespie
Juanita Girand
Judy Gittelsohn
Georgie Gleim
Kate Godfrey
Kass Goldfein
Burton Goldfield
Mimi Funabiki & Herb Gong
Haskell Goodman
Barbara Gordon
Ruth Gordon
Mike & Christine Graf
Salina Gray
Martha Greene
Janet Greig
Pam Grossman
Dick Grote
Marco Gvaziano
Eunice Haas
Colin Hacking
Elaine Hahn
Christy Hale
Julie & Dan Lythcott- Haims
Michael Hall
Lillian & Herb Hamerslough
Myllicent & Jack Hamilton
Ruth & Ben Hammett
Mary Louise Hanley
Pat Hanley
P. Hanrahan
Morten Steen Hansen
Cressida Hanson
John & Gina Har
Heidi Schwenk & Dan Harden
Stacey Lynne Harger
Betsy & Jack Harker
Leslie Harlson
Ken & Lori Harrenstien
Carroll Harrington
Margie & Bob Harrington
Jim Harriss
Harry & Susan Hartzell
Margaret Harvey
Amy Balsom & Wynn Hausser
Dave Havens
Walt & Kay Hays
Shelley Hebert
Bruce & Eleanor Heister
Pamela G. Heller
Robert Henshel
Muriel Herhold
Elizabeth Herndon
Carole Hessler
Gerald Hiken
Sharmon Hilfinger
Peter Hillen
Ned Himmel
Scott Hines
Sandra Hirsh
Philip Ho
Leo & Sirin Hochberg
Mark & Holly Hogan
Liz & Terry Hogan
Donna & Tyler Hokama
Ivan & Dawne Hom
Gloria Hom
Melissa & Paul Hopkins
Erwin Hosono
Zara Shipp Howard
Skip & Sue Hoyt
Toni & Max Hsu
Jolene Hsu
Shirley Huang
Jason Huang
Charlie Hughes
Kathleen & Tony Hughes
Judy Hunter
Barbara Ingram
Thomas Irpan
Monica Jarnot
Laurie & Jim Jarrett
Jay & Robbin Jeffries
Diane & John Jennings
Linda Stebbins Jensen
Liz & Erik Jensen
Linda & Eric Jensen
Julie Jerome
May Ji
Lauren John
Graceann Johnson
Loie Johnson
N.P. Johnson
Mary H. & Ralph Johnson
Lenore & Carl Jones
Russ & Liz Jones
Brad Joondeph
Emily Jorgenson
Smita Joshi
Ken Joye
Charles Junkerman
Roman Kagarlitsky
John Kagel
Joy & Herb Kaiser
Glenn Kameda
David & Wendy Kandasamy
Jennifer Kane
Karen Kang
Ann Holum & Alex Kass
Jennifer Kaue
Phyllis Kayten
Arthur Keller
Marianna Grossman Keller
Marilyn Keller
Rachael & Tom Kellerman
John Kelley
Chris Kelly
Sue Kemp
Mae Kenrick
Ed Keyani
Adele Jessup Khabbaz
Alex Khairkhahan
Kyongun Kim
Peter & Kelly Kim
Mikyong Kim
Donna King
Barbara Kingsley
Patricia Kinney
Jane Kirk
Bob & Edie Kirkwood
Yoriko Kishimoto
Barbara Klausner
Wendy & Howard Kleckner
Larry Klein
Sheryl & Tony Klein
June & Michael Klein
Judy Kleinberg
Becky Burwell & Leigh Klotz
Liz & Rick Kniss
Gail Knittel
Bruce Knoblock
George H. Knoles
Dana & Mike Knowles
Marian Knox
Susan Knudsen
Beverly & Don Kobrin
Maria Koretz
Hal & Iris Korol
Mary & Vince Kraemer
Judy Kramer
Jan Krawitz
Ken Krechmer
Cindy Kreiger
Lisa Krieger
Elizabeth Kristofferson
Howard & Cathy Kroymann
Jenny Kuan
Jasmine & Ken Kuen
Tom Kuhnle
Nina & Norman Kulgein
Edwin F. Laak
Deepa Lalla
Philip Lally
Rob & Rita Lancefield
Richard Landes
Doris & Carl Landman
Eleanor Laney
Babbette Latham
Cheryl Lathrop
Preston Lavinghousez
Janet Leader
Joyce Lee
Yulin Lee
Bin Lee
Ellen Leichliter
Bernard Leitner
Austin Lemoine
Leslyn Leong
Mary Jo & Len Levy
Lois Levy
Andrei Lgorin
Dongming Liang
Charlene Liao
Liz Libbey
Susan Light
Leah Lin
Joan & Leon Lin
Yu Lin
Suzie Lincoln
Barbara Lindsay
Christopher Linn
Carol & Lee Lippert
Jennifer Liu
Pingyu Liu
Penelope Kerhin Livingston
Chris & Kris Loew
Dan & Chris Logan
Sandra Lonnquist
Paul A. Losch
Lucy Lou
Mandy Lowell
Lenore Lowenstein
Marsha Lowther
Hugo Lu
Barbara Lucas
Bill Lucas
Gerald Lucha
Elizabeth Doi Ludwig
Evan Lurie
Vija Lusebrink
Deirdre Lyell
Richard & Jing Lyman
Cheryl Lynn
Heather & Peter MacDonald
Grace Mah
Kristin Major
Knihu Major
John & Pam Markevitch
Pat & James Markevitch
Darlene Markovich
Jeff Marks
Letha Ann Martin
David Martin
Raj Mashruwala
Gerry Masteller
Marci Pugsley & Kent Mather
Michael Matthews
Andrew May
Jane McCabe
Locke McCorkle
Jean McCown
W. J. McCroskey
Mary McElroy
Jean & Bill McFadden
Stepheny McGraw
Shirley McKelvey
Leslie McNeil
John McNellis
Frances Mello
Eve & John Melton
Gary Meyers
Mary Ann Michel
Lori Miley
Kathy Miller
Mona Miller
Janice Miller
Barbara Millin
Alnor Mills
Naomi & Robert Mindelzun, M.D.
Fred & Barb Mitchell
Bill & Janice Jones Mitchell
Anita Mitchell-Du
Gabe Molitor
Edmund Monberg
Margaret Monroe
Pat Moran
Rosemary Morgan
Roger Morimoto
Jack Morton
Nancy Moss
Kirsten Moss
Bob Moss
Trish & Jim Mulvey
Dulce Ponceleon & Walter Murray
Andrew Mutz
Jennifer Mutz
Megan Myers
Debbie Mytels
Mark Nadim
Ronjon Nag
Kirsten Struve & Sergio Nakai
Tania Nanevicz
Lisette Narragon
Cheryl Kendall & Glen Nash
Gayle Nathe
Mala & Pandu Nayak
Karen Neier
Michael & Dana Nelson
Jane & Harry Nevin
Merrill & Lee Newman
Andrew B. & Lynn Newman
Long Nguyen
J. Nichols
Susan Nolan
Hege Nordskog
LouAnn Norman
Joan Norton
Donna Noyman
Mary Nugreven
Robert Nyden
Neil O'Sullivan
Eugene O'Sullivan
Vic Ojakian
Ingram Olkin
Kathrina Onate
Ronald & Judebeth Onate
Leonard Ortolano
Jeanne Osiecki
Sandy Ostrau
Gloria & Carl Otto
Sue & Chuck Owen
Robert Oyung
Bonnie Packer
Pablo Paniagua
Luis Pardo
Heungsup Park
John Parker
Steven Parkes
Margaret Parra
Dahna Pasternak
Sujata Patel
Owen Hackett & Joan Paulin
Enid Pearson
Rich & Jamie Pearson
Barbara & Gil Pease
Cattie Peck
Victor Peiroth
Candace Pelissero
Daniella Perlroth
Catherine Perman
Alex Peterson
Arthur Pfeiffer
Jeff Phillips
Lynn & Russ Phillips
Heidi Phillips
Evelyn Richards & Greg Pickrell
Jim & Sigrid Pinsky
Mary Jean Place
Stephen & Nancy Player
Hal Plotkin
Robert Plummer
Livia Polanyi
Cherryl Pope
Broni Povolotskaya
Gail Price
Donald Price
Pat Irish & Munro Proctor, M.D.
Andy Protter
Kent Mather & Marcia Pugsley
Margarita Quihuis
LI Qun
Judith Rabbie
Pam & Chris Radin
Srinivasan Rajagopalaw
Pam Ramsaur
Swathi Rao
Miriam Raphaelsol
Roxy & Michelle Rapp
Jamie Rapperport
Frank Ratliff
Bob Raymakers
Hope Raymond
Diane & Bob Reklis
James Rennie
Emily Renzel
Pat Rice
Susie Richardson
Bruce Richmond
Samantha Riegels
Trish Riley
Jan & Kirk Roberts
Aggie Robinson
Bruce Robinson
Lynn Robinson
Louise Roche
Rory Swezey & Lisa Rock
Harry Rodda
Ammie Rodden
Diego Rodriguez
Madeleine P. Roe
Diane & Joe Rolfe
Hilary Rollins
Anatoly Romarovsky
Maria Roschelle
Deborah Rose
Marie Rosen
Susan Rosenberg
Deborah & Nathan Rosenberg
Titi Liv & Eric Rosenblum
James H. Ross
Emily & Joshua Ross
Nancy & Norm Rossen
Carina Rossner
Rose Ann Rotandaro
Elizabeth Roth
Serena Ruizdergou
Asmita Runge
Dan & Lynne Russell
Al & JoAnne Russell
Ginny Russell
Valerie Sabbag
Patricia Saffir
Beatrice Salaverry
Veronica Saleh
Marklar Salkola
Phyllis (Mimi) Salmon
Irene Sampson
Jennifer & Russ Sampson
Sharon Samson
Paula Sandas
Patricia Sanders
Abbie & Terry Sanger
Sriram & Uma Sankar
Amy Santullo
Jessica Sapick
Katherine & Jeff Saunders
Elaine Saussotte
Eric Savitz
Denise Savoie
Ruth Schaeffer
Frank J. Scheufele
June Schiller
Gregory Schmid
Jim & Martha Schmidt
Susan Schmidt
Elizabeth Schneider
Samantha Schoenfeld
Mike Schonenberg
Kathy & Scott Schroeder
Gail Schubert
Heather & Ken Schultz
Charles Schulz
Eric Schuur
Georgia & Bob Schwaar
Julie Schwardt
Carolyn Schwartz
Alison Seaman
Janice & Walter Sedriks
Joan & Paul Segall
Marva & Andrew Seidl
Julia Seiff
Laura & Howard Selznick
Luc Semenia
Jennifer & Gene Seto
Katie Shade
Prince Shah
Matt Sharp
Barbara Shepardson
Nancy & Mark Shepherd
Crystal Shi
Ken Shipp
Mike & Deirdre Shipstead
Yasmin Shirole
Steve Shpall
Mona Siegel
Ruth-Anne Siegel
Caroline C. Sigman
Barbara B. Silberling
Susan Phinney & Jim Silver
Marilyn Simbeck
Joe Simitian
Lyn Simmons
Shilpa & Amit Singhal
Kevin & Carrie Skelly
Sara Anderson & Malcolm Slaney
Jerry & Dick Smallwood
Maggi Smeal
Alice Smith
Stephen Smith
Norman Rizk & Susan Smith
Nancy Smith
Roger Smith
Richard Smith
Ellen Smith
Beverley Smith
Tom & Darlene Snodgrass
Yuen So
Rafael Solari, Jr.
Alan Sonneman
Laurie Spaeth
Debbie Spaizman
Geri Spieler
Carolyn Spitz
Robert & Becky Spitzer
Barbara & Doug Spreng
Judy Lee-Squire & Pete Squire
Tanya & Seth Stabinsky
Eugenia Stanker
Christina Rosas- Staul
Nancy S. Steege
Diana Steeples
Bruce & Lisa Steinback
Cherie & Phil Stephens
Julie Sternfield
Carol Stevens
Nancy Stevenson
Susan Stewart
Suzan Stewart
Alice Stiebel
James & Valerie Stinger
Gwendolyn Stockman
Martin Stone
Fimmo Storm
Nanette Stringer
Douglas Stuart
John Stucky
Carmen & Roger Stuhlmuller
Ragna Sturum
Steve Suddjian
Rebecca Sullivan
Meghan Sumner
Wei Tang & Buddy Sun
Amy Sung
Kaushebh Supeken
Alrik Suvari
Bruce Swenson
Charles Swezey
Mary Szvetecz
Martin Tamizi
Michael & Linda Tashker
Janette & John Tavs
Tom Tayeri
Claire Taylor
Margaret Taylor
Merridee Taylor
Anne Templeton
Melinda Teves
Maureen Roll & Paul Thiltgen
Kavita Thirumalai
Craig & Susie Thom
Maria Thomas
Christina Thorson
Bridget Thrasher
Yana Tkachenko
Dana Tom
Kelli & Steffan Tomlinson
Scott Thomas & Lucy Tompkin
Lynn Torin
Grace Tosky
Camille Townsend
Cindy Traum
Edie Trevino
Susan & Victor Tsai
Joseph Tucek
Carolyn Tucher
Janis G. & Daniel Tuerk
Samir Tuma
John & Carolyn Tuomy
Ellen & Mike Turbow
Patricia Vadopalas
Shelby Valentine
James & Joan Van
Linda van Gelder
John van Gelder
Alex Van Riesen
Justin Vavuris
Rod & Linda Verhulp
Teri Vershel
Kristina Vetter
Olenka Villareal
Robert Violante
Evan Vogel
Suzanne Voll
Peter VonClemm
Diana Wahler
Robert Sears & Lisa Waits
Dick & Wanda Walker
Rick & Mara Wallace
Daria Walsh
Deanna Walston
Brandi & Gerry Walters
George Wang
Ran Wang
Judith Wasserman
Don & Sylvie Way
Len Weisberg
Alan Weller
Kathryn & Mike Weller
Robert & Suzanne Redfern- West
Bart & Nancy Westcott
Ann Westcott
JoAnne Stewart Wetzel
Peter Wexler
Lanie & Dave Wheeler
Karen White
Ramona & Walter White
Carolyn White
Malcolm White
Helen Whitney
Caroline Willis
Katherine Wilson
Marie & Robert Wolbach
Alem Woldearegay
Bryan J. Wolf
Barbara Wolfe
Tobias Wolff
Debbie Wolter
Megan Wood
Robert O. Wood
Jack & Jolaine Woodson
Elliott Wright
Gavin & Cathe Wright
Jennifer & Bruce Wright
Mary Wrightson
Grace Wu
Linda Wu
Tom Wyman
Ann Xu
Kyung Xu
Lingsong Xu
Sidney Xu
Caryn Huberman Yacowitz
Marilyn Yalom
Brent Yamashita
Ruth Yamawaki
Larry Yang
Hongbo Yang
Edith Yanklowitz
Yiaway Yeh
Irene Yeh
Eunjung Yim
Yuxi Yin
Chungsoon Im & J. Yoon
Edel Young
Barb & Steve Young
Jackie Yu
Kerry Yurkin
Franchette Zapanta
Lisa Abeyounis & Harry Zeidwerg
Andrew Zerf
Kay Zerfoss
John Zhang
Weihong Zhnag
Jay Zhu
Barbara Zimmer
Carol Zink
Caroline Zlotnick
Lee Zulman
This list is updated weekly. Every effort has been made to spell names correctly. Please contact  to request any changes.
"We voted for the library bond measure in 1956 and will vote for the library again in 2008."
- Rachel & Elton Bell
Palo Alto residents for 57 years
About the Children's Library:
"Our girls love to go to the library. For the last couple of years, we've been going to the Los Altos library because it had a bigger collection of books and we could almost always find what we want. We recently went to Children's Library and it was such an inviting atmosphere for reading that now we often spend Sunday afternoons reading in the Children's Library."
- Mala Nayak
"We have noticed a steadily increasing demand from our members for additional meeting space and access to computer research among our teens. Besides addressing issues, this proposal will give our community exactly what we need and will make our library system something to really be proud of!"
- Scott Glissmeyer
Exec. Dir., P.A. YMCA
"I voted against Measure D, despite being an ardent library proponent with two young children. I felt strongly that using up valuable park space for Mitchell Park Library was a mistake and the plan didn't fix a number of the issues I had with the library like the crazy offset intersection on Middlefield. The whole thing felt very rushed.
This time around, things could not be more different. I've been very impressed by the consultative process the city followed and the plans that resulted from it. The new library would fit well into the neighborhood and improve an already wonderful park. It would be more than just a place to house more books; I could see it becoming a center of community life for young and old. Let's do this!"
- Elizabeth Alexis
"When we first came to the library in Palo Alto, we were shocked at the facilities and lack of resources. We thought that this community, with Stanford and Silicon Valley, would have a library worthy of the values, traditions, and aspirations of our progressive community. Having come from San Francisco four years ago, we were surprised and disappointed that Palo Alto libraries could not compare to the newly built libraries in San Francisco. We specifically came to Palo Alto for its value on family and education and now is the perfect time to demonstrate our commitment to lifelong learning for all Palo Altans."
- Leslyn Leong
Palo Alto libraries must be improved to meet our expectations, and residents should accept nothing less.
- Tom Wyman
An up-to-date, aesthetically pleasing, accessible library system is an essential element in sustaining the high quality of life that made us choose Palo Alto.
- Suzanne Redfern-West
Libraries are an essential community service, and Palo Alto libraries are long overdue for an upgrade. I opposed the previous plan, but I like the Measure N proposal.
- Christopher Linn
I'm looking forward to seeing more books on library shelves and the new community center will add a lot to community life in Palo Alto.
- Daria Walsh
We want to do this for the benefit of all our grandchildren and all our citizens.
- Nancy And Norman Rossen
I support the library bond measure because the usability of our libraries is hampered by the outdated buildings and lack of space.
- Lisette Narragon
The facilities are 50 years old. It is time to reinvest, as our predecessors did in the 50's, for the generations who will follow.
- Martha Schmidt
I support the library measure because it benefits all of us -- adults, seniors and kids to have this facility be as current and vital a resource as it can be to support the growing needs of Palo Alto.
- Carol Cleary-Schultz
I support the library bond measure because it is important to our children and the community as a whole.
- Margie And Tim Cain
Good libraries are essetial for an educated community. As a long time History/Government teacher in Palo Alto, the libraries were important resources for research assignments I gave. The links between school and community libraries enable students to have access to more sources of information which they can actually have in their hands.. It is important that students look at books to assess the quality of information, rather than merely accepting on line sources which may be of dubious quality. Palo Alto's libraries shuld be a source of great pride.
- Suzan Stewart
I endorse this campaign because we are heavy library users, from books to stories on tape and dvds. Nearly every week our family bikes to the library, a habit which we hope sticks into our children's teenage years. Here is to getting the Mitchell Park Library ready for them!
- Kirsten R. Daehler
It's time to get it done, folks!
- Beverly & Don Kobrin
The library is a great source of knowledge and the primary place for the community to gather and to enjoy the written word. We've got great librarians, great books and need great libraries to house them!
- James & Wendy Cook
I want to endorse the Library Bond, because a vibrant community needs libraries that can support community needs.
- Melissa Baten Caswell
Investing in our libraries is an investment in the essence and long-term value of our community. Run-down libraries are not in keeping with the high value we place on continued learning, freedom of ideas and community.
- Karen Kang
Having grown up in Palo Alto and having spent many hours of my youth at the Main Library on Newell. I believe it is important for students to have a safe, clean, well maintained public facility to go to.
I visited Mitchell Park Library Sep. 5, 2008 with my daughter and the inside temperature was 89 degrees F!!! It would drift to 90 and I was told if it held at 90 for 5 minutes the library would be vacated.
That alone speaks for the need for this bond measure.
- Elizabeth Doi Ludwig
In Palo Alto, the libraries are the entertainers of our young, a safe haven for our middle schoolers, a home-away-from-home for our seniors, the community wells and teachers par excellence. They badly need upgrades.
- Smita Joshi
I support the libraries bond measure because I have been using the library facilities for over 38 years and it is time to bring them into the 21st century. Our children children's will thank us.
- Joel Davidson
I support the library bond measure because learning is an important life-long Palo Alto tradition.
- Eric Schuur
I support the Library bond measure
- Kriss Deiglmeier
You can use my name.
Kate Godfrey
- Kate Godfrey
I love libraries and have used them a lot in the 3 generations I've been on this planet. There are tremendous books I've read only because I could borrow them from a local library.
- Locke McCorkle
Libraries are a never ending source of enrichment for our children and the community. We support building better libraries for future generations to come.
- Kathryn And Mike Weller
My daughters (7 and 11)read so much more because of the Mitchell Park library. My youngest first learned to write her name so she could apply for her own library card. They always look forward to our frequent library visits.
- Marilyn Keller
My kids and I spend so much time at the Mitchell Park library and love how convenient it is to our home and schools, but I am often surprised and frustrated by how few collections are available for kids. Their school libraries are better stocked, and this needs to change!
We look forward to using the updated facilities and materials the new library will be able to offer.
- Nancy Smith
Libraries are the cornerstone of literacy, democracy and community. We need to each pay our fair share to make sure that Palo Alto has the best, modern, accessible and delightful libraries possible.
- Marianna Grossman Keller
I support the bond because we need better libraries
- Samir Tuma
I have just moved to Palo Alto from Menlo Park which has an outstanding community library with lots of space for study and great air conditioning and fast interlibrary loans. I continue to use the Menlo Park Library because of this, but would like to take advantage of libraries closer to home.
- Lauren John
The teen programs at Mitchell Park are really well attended. With new expanded facilites, these programs will be even more attractive to our young teens!
- Penelope Kerhin Livingston
When I moved with my young family to this community 38 years ago I was impressed by the vitality of Palo Alto's library system. The time is now to improve our library facilities to a standard that once again reflects our community's commitment to quality programs for all who live here.
- Gayle Nathe
I support the library bond. Our libraries need to be updated.
I am the wife of endorser Scott Schroeder so you can make us one combined listing.
- Kathy Schroeder
I support the library because it's a community resource.
- Don Chin
I support the library bond measure because it's absolutely needed! We use the libraries a lot as our entire family love to read, but the facilities just are not up to the standards of the 21th century, especially being that Palo Alto is the center of technology.
- Yulin Lee
I endorse the library bond measure in order to bring our 50-year-old libraries into this century and up to par with libraries in neighboring cities/communities.
- Sandra Lonnquist
Palo Alto residents deserve up-to-date libraries.
- Fred & Barb Mitchell
Libraries give back tenfold what the community puts into them.
- Melissa & Paul Hopkins
Anyone who uses our libraries can see that they need updating. The library bond will make a big difference in providing much needed renovations to some of our best loved and most used libraries.
- Elaine Hahn
We endorse efforts to improve libraries both in north and south palo alto, having lived in both...
- Enoch Choi, MD
I suppport the library bond measure because I want this generation to dedicate a civic venue to learning and community.
- Evan Lurie
As a past member of the board of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library, I have been a supporter of improving our library system, and the buildings in which it operates for many years. Our community values our libraries and the variety of services they provide... in addition to the books. Let's rally as community and pass this bond to bring our libraries into the 21st century!
- Paula Sandas
About the Main Library:
"Our family loves the Palo Alto libraries. It is a welcoming environment that is conducive to learning, growth, and discovery. May and I often go to the library together on our "date nights." And our children love the libraries too. Our libraries are woven into the fabric of a strong community. That's why we support building a better future for Palo Alto libraries."
- May & John Herr
"I was not in favor of Measure D in 2002, because it seemed like we were trying to do too much. Six years later, our children are still using a cramped, noisy library. It's time for us to seize this opportunity to fix our libraries."
- Boris Foelsch
"We lived in Santa Clara for 12 years and really appreciated their modern library with meeting rooms, many nice reading areas with comfy seats, places for kids to learn and study together, lots of computers, and a coffee bar. When we moved back to Palo Alto recently, I found our libraries even more cramped, hard to get around, dark, and dreary. That's why I plan to vote yes on the library bond in November to create an uplifting community learning place for our city."
- Brian Jakubowski
"If I lost my purse, I'd look first for my credit card, but my library card would be a close second. I won't leave home without it!"
- Lucy Filppu
Parent and Grad Student
"I'm deaf and I work at Google and I wouldn't be there without libraries. It's hard to explain to someone who is not deaf how important reading is and you can't read without libraries."
- Ken Harrenstien
We need a better library system!
- Zara Shipp Howard
When we moved here 41 years ago, we found the library facilities amazing (for the time!). Now we need to upgrade our libraries to keep Palo Alto the special place it is!
- Alice Stiebel
We support the library measure because we have been able to enrich our lives with books, music and videos from the library for years. Our child is able to attend wonderful, educational events at the library. The staff is top-notch. It seems like a small price to pay for all we get from our library.
- Michael And Dana Nelson
I support the library bond measure because we need better libraries
- Elaine Saussotte
Palo Alto should be ashamed to have the smallest number of different books in the area. I have to go to Redwood City, Menlo Park, etc. to get the book I want. Edith
- Edith Yanklowitz
I support the bond measure for libraries because as a Palo Alto native, I feel that so many of us have benefitted so much from the many good decisions that our predecessors made regarding infrastructure and encouraging progressive thinking. It is now our generation's turn to stand up and do the right thing for ourselves and future generations.
- Linda Stebbins Jensen
This is exactly what Palo Alto needs!
- Dahna Pasternak
I endorse the bond campaign because I feel strongly about having better libraries in Palo Alto.
- Jamie Rapperport
Our libraries represent who we are as a literate people. Without them, we have diminished our culture.
- Geri Spieler
Our family loves the libraries. As the kids get older, they're using the libraries more. It's a place for them to relax and dive into a novel. Soon, they'll also need a library with enough resources to do research and projects.
- Jennifer & Gene Seto
we need better libraries
- Jeanne Osiecki
The library is such a big part of our family's life. We love the location and the joy of seeing our neighbors and friends there. Our love of reading and interest in the community motivates me to endorse this campaign.
- Ruth-Anne Siegel
I support the library measure because I value librabries as a tremendous community recource for all ages.
- Hayley Gans
This plan and investment in our community libraries is both exciting and reasonable. It will benefit all generations and add immeasurably to the quality of life here that is so important to all of us.
- Shelley Hebert
I have loved and enjoyed libraries all my life. I feel very strongly on the value that libraries bring to our community. Strong libraries help make for strong communities. Let's get ours into the 21st century! (Andy comment)
- Andy & Liz Coe
I support the library bond measure because it is the right thing to do.
- Liz Cowie
After 25 years in Palo Alto, I am now a resident of Calistoga who still supports and appreciates Palo Alto's libraries!
- Shelby Valentine
We support the library bond measure because excellent libraries allow all community members to experience the joy of reading.
- Abbie & Terry Sanger
I support the Library bond in Palo Alto because our libraries need renovation and updated equipment, materials and services. I am impressed by other communities fresh new libraries and how useful and well equiped they are. A modern library brings our community and the members that it serves into a new age of communication and information--this is a deep passion of the Palo Alto citizens.
- Nancy Shepherd
I support the library bond measure because I am a regular user of the Mitchell Park library, and I see how crowded it is.
- Ken & Sue Allen
I'm embarrassed that our city, so steeped in a love of learning, has the crappiest public libraries in the area. It's time for Palo Alto to step up.
- Larry Cheng
Free libraries have been a pillar of American democracy since the founding; an informed citizenry is the best protection against tyranny. And a literate citizenry is a necessary condition of civilization. There is nothing more basic to our lives than libraries.
- Charles Junkerman
Our libraries and the facilities they provide are the heartblood of our community. And our need is accelerating.
I endorse the library campaign because our libraries are the centers of our community and are essential to our community's vitality.
- Deborah Rose
For the past 30+ years, our family has extensively used the Palo Alto Public Library. Our use has ranged from weekly visits to the Children's Library, lunch-time jaunts to College Terrace, post-shopping or kid-schlepping recovery visits to Mitchell Park and Downtown, and now almost daily walks to Main. For exercise and intellectual stimulation the library can't be beat!
- John & Nancy Baum
Palo Alto has been living on its legacy; it is time again to invest in our future.
- Claude Ezran
Palo Alto libraries are critically important to the quality of life of our community. My sons and I go to the library weekly during the school year and check out tons of books. Books are a joy for my boys and much better company in the car than a Gameboy!
- Grace Mah
A great library system is never just books; it's a of lifelong learning and community. That's why we give this bond our wholehearted support.
- Julie Williams & Dan Farley
I support the measure because local libraries are essential to the educational process by supporting the curricula, the teach information literacy, and foster critical thinking skills. They create an educated community by providing opportunities for self-education, life-long learning, non-partisan access to information, and self-improvement.
- Claudia Davis
Mitchell park library and community center desperately need modernization and expansion.
- Alice & Herb Fischgrund
Better libraries equal better communities.
- Jennifer Mutz
This is the right time to make Palo Alto's libraries work. Our family is a weekly, regular user of the library, and we see how crowded and inadequate it is for the community it now serves.
- Andrew Mutz
I endorse upgrading our libraries.
- Cheryl Lathrop
- Peter Drekmeier
I support the bond campaign because it includes necessary and reasonable improvements to our libraries.
- Katharine Miller
We're a well-educated community of life-long learners. A community that values education values its libraries. This new improvement plan corrects problems in the earlier Measure D plan. All Palo Alto residents -- our children, seniors and families -- will benefit. Vote YES this November!
- Karen White
I support the library bond measure because every member of my family uses and loves the library!
- Sharon Samson
I want better libraries for Palo Alto!
- Tom Kuhnle
As an early childhood educator I have seen first hand how books change the lives of children opening their initial interests into a world of discovery. The more books children, families and teachers have access to; the more learning and discovery can take place early on.
- Tanya Swezey Stabinsky
Strong libraries make strong communities!
- Meg Waite Clayton
We support the library campaign because Palo Alto needs and deserves these beautiful improvements.
- Bonnie Packer & Bob Raymakers
Especially with the rapid growth in housing in south Palo Alto, the expansion of the Mitchell Park Library will ease the current overcrowding and increase number and variety of materials. The potential that Cubberly Community Center will become a school again, as school enrollment rises, means that rebuilding of the Mitchell Park Community Center is warranted.
- Arthur Keller
My family visits many libraries in other communities in the USA and can see the potential that our "overly loved" Palo Alto libraries can become. I will vote "yes" for libraries and if my kids were of voting age, they would too.
- Lynn Drake